Tuesday, May 6, 2014


It feels like an eternity has passed since I posted but I wanted to blog about NIAW. 

National infertility awareness week (NIAW)  was from April 20-26th. You may find more information about this week here: http://www.resolve.org/national-infertility-awareness-week/about.html

Resolve was very active during this week and I was ecstatic. I stalked the Resolve facebook page and even added the organization on instagram after begrudgingly creating an account. Never have I felt so empowered, liberated, and as if the world could finally understand this unbelievable journey we have been on. I reposted so many crucial images on instagram and I shared so many helpful posts on my facebook page. The theme that Resolve used this year was: Resolve to know more. Many people wrote blogs and posted them to the bloggers united challenge featured on the Resolve website. You may read all the blog submissions here: http://www.resolve.org/national-infertility-awareness-week/2014-resolve-to-know-blog-posts-page-1.html

I must admit that I was so disappointed when the end of that week came. Silence has crept back in and no longer do I hear the cries and hushed voices of infertility. I am looking forward to NIAW next year. It is a beacon of light that helps on this arduous journey.

~Until next time