Wednesday, January 29, 2014


Money and finances are very important. MUSC recently emailed me a financial aid packet. It has information about loans, but most of all scholarships. While attending Winthrop, I just about had a full ride. During my last year of high school, I applied for any and all scholarships that I could get my hands on. Most of the scholarships had certain major and GPA requirements. You would be so overjoyed to find another scholarship, but have that happiness crushed as soon as you read parts of the requirements. Now that I look back, it seems that my joy and hope were always crushed during certain moments. This infertility journey can not be excluded from that category.

The infertility journey has many expenses including doctor visits, medicines, and driving expenses. Most of all though, the greatest expense turns out to be the procedure needed to finally achieve the dream of becoming pregnant. We were ecstatic to find a solution to our life shattering problem. We had found our answer along with new hope. We had optimism until we found out the procedure expense. We first thought that $800 plus a little more would not be hard to save. Boy were we wrong. Within two weeks of deciding on the IUI procedure, I had $300 saved which was quickly spent as unsuspected expenses came up. It was so frustrating. We were finally getting somewhere then BAM! our carefully laid plans were ruined. We keep having to push the IUI process back and I do not like that one single bit. I feel all we can do though is keep budgeting and hope that nothing more surprises us.

Though we have to keep hoping that there are no interruptions in our saving journey, others may have a better chance for infertility funding. I recently discovered that it is possible to obtain scholarships and grants to help with infertility expenses! Who would have ever thought?! I think that this is a wonderful opportunity for couples especially those whose insurances does not cover the infertility expenses and procedures. I encountered this information through the Resolve website: . It seems like the main procedure with scholarships and grants available is the IVF procedure. There may be many other grants and scholarships available so I encourage you all to include these in your search for funding your journey. I hope that this information is as helpful to you or others as it was to me. You really do learn something new everyday.

~Until next time

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